Musical Improvisation.
​​Has anyone clearly articulated for you specific, unambiguous set of principles (not steps and step combinations) how to improvise a tango dance? So that you envisioned and danced many possible ideas, improvising your way through a tango? In a way that you discovered the sky is the limit and genuinely felt joy in your ability to improvise?
​We invite you to join us and see for yourself how night-and-day different the meaning of improvisation can be from what you may already know. How enjoyable it is to LEARN TO IMPROVISE, and then to put that learning to work: to really, really improvise!
A blueprint, a structure, a "toolbox", and a deep, style-independent connection to musicality that makes improvisation a fulfilling way of dancing tango accessible to everyone, and enjoyable far beyond what's possible by mindlessly duplicating the eye candy on the surface.
We dance and we teach like nobody else in our region, Southern California. What sets us apart is the meaning that we give to the phrase musical improvisation by the way we dance and the way we teach HOW TO LEARN to improvise with the music front and center.
Since 2003, we have taught tango dancers how to find and own the precious gems beneath the surface that elevate improvisation far above vague and ambiguous ideas. Through musically centered improvisation we give tango dancers a freedom to create. A freedom which we find exhilarating, and liberating.
Fardad Michael & Lucia Ma Serry. Te Aconsejo ...
Inspiration (Federico Naveira & Inés Muzzopappa)
Inspiration (Chicho Frúmboli & Moira Castellano)