The Follower's Choice
Men go to milongas for many different reasons.
Some (not all) look for followers who dance well.
Your competition won't teach you
how to become a coveted follower
for how well you dance.
I will.
Small group and private instruction for followers
with Fardad Serry.
I am not Argentinean, but I have met countless tango teachers from Buenos Aires, including very famous ones, who couldn't or didn't want to teach a follower how to become a coveted partner for dancing well.
I have studied and danced the follower's role for 20 years, and understand more than enough about the role to help me teach what I know is necessary for you to become a coveted follower for dancing well. What's more, I really would want you to be the best dancer you can be.
In my small group sessions "The Follower's Choice", I will dance with you, and you will have a chance to learn some things that will make a big positive impact, on your way to becoming a coveted follower for how well you dance.
My next small group class date in LA is:
Thursday 17 August '23
email me for information and registration.