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Sunday 22 March 2020


with Fardad and Lucia Serry

19320 Ventura Blvd., Tarzana/Los Angeles CA 91356


w/ 10 minute mid-session break




We are not content with the mediocre and the mundane.


How about you?



We are looking for a special class of tango dancers: Those who find this dancing inspirational:


Inspiration 1

Inspiration 2

Inspiration 3




The best tango dancer in you has a chance to flourish when you


  • stop following the crowd;

  • refuse to duplicate tango caricatures to satisfy "the judges" and the cameras;

  • choose dancing to satisfy your and your partner's creativity, instead of dancing to fit into the mold.



No teacher in Southern CA dances or teaches what we do:


Away from the superficial hype that celebrates mediocrity and conformity, under the radar, we offer an alternative for the more creative dancer. While most tango dancers are drawn to this, we value and study the interpretations of more interesting dancers like Gustavo Naveira, Giselle Anne, Chicho Frúmboli, Juana Sepulveda, Gianpiero Ya Galid, and Lorena Tarantino.


This testimonial summarizes our teaching:


"I have learned more from you in 2 hours than I have in my other tango classes in the last 6 months".

More (all unsolicited) are here.


We invite you to find your own voice in tango with us, if you have a hunch or your instincts or your desire tell you that you can do better, much better than what you learned elsewhere.


You need a partner for this. If you like, we can share your email address with potential partners.


A modern take on leading and following, technique, and musicality are the focus, as are the imperatives and the alternatives rooted in the structure of the dance. The music is diverse, and the material is accessible to anyone who CHOOSES  to engage the mind with the body.


Punctuality is greatly appreciated.

Refunds only on workshop cancellation.

  • $50 per partner couple prepaid here.  $60 Drop-in.

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Thanks for submitting!

Volcadas, Colgadas, and Ganchos is an introductory workshop series for dancers who have some experience beyond the beginner level. All topics are presented at different levels of technical requirement, so everyone except absolute beginners is welcome.



We are inspired by the dancing of Chicho and Moira, Chicho and Juana,  and above all, Gustavo and Giselle. That's why we refuse to blend in with the  army of cookie-cutter teachers that are busy producing cookie-cutter dancers.


Not everyone who goes to a tango class is there to learn to dance tango. We invite you to join a few who do!



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